10 Most Important Applicant Tracking System Features

mitisha j
Read Time: 7 Minutes
10 Most Important Applicant Tracking System Features

What we'll cover

    Finding the ideal fit is a continuous struggle for HR departments and small businesses alike due to the intense competition for top talent in today's job market. Streamlining the hiring process and making sure quality candidates don't fall through the cracks, applicant tracking software, or applicant tracking system, has become a game-changer. However, there are so many options accessible that it might be overwhelming to choose the best ATS. By identifying the ten most crucial ATS characteristics, this book helps you sort through the uncertainty and make an informed decision that will transform your recruitment approach.

    Here Is The List Of The Best Applicant Tracking System
    1. Greenhouse

    2. Pinpoint

    3. BambooHR

    4. Recruitee

    5.  ClearCompany

    6. Manatal

    7. Zoho Recruit

    8. Lever

    9.  Trakstar

    10. Teamtailor

    Why Do You Need Applicant Tracking System?

    A simplified and effective hiring procedure is necessary given the ever evolving nature of the US job market. The solution is applicant tracking system (ATS), which completely changes the way businesses handle hiring. Using this platform, HR teams can focus on what really matters, engaging with top talent management software and fostering a great candidate experience by eliminating the administrative load associated with applications, candidate screening, and interview monitoring. applicant tracking system (ATS) enables employers to make more informed hiring decisions more quickly in the fast-paced US labour market.

     This programme does more than just expedite the application and screening procedure; it also enables data-driven decision making with features like intelligent analytics and automated resume parsing. Your reach is increased by integration with employment boards, and legal concerns are reduced with compliance tools. ATS is, in the end, a tactical tool for swiftly and effectively acquiring top people, providing your business with a critical advantage in the very competitive employment market.

    The fierce competition for talent in the United States' labour market is driving corporations to step up their recruitment efforts. Utilising technologies such as applicant tracking system (ATS) is becoming critical rather than optional. This effective solution gives businesses a significant advantage by streamlining the entire employment process. With an estimated 75% of major US businesses already utilising ATS, it's obvious that this software is a need rather than a luxury.

    1. User-Friendly Interface

    The greatest application tracking software (ATS) must feature an intuitive user interface, especially for time-pressed HR specialists and small business owners. Time is saved and frustration is decreased with simple navigation that features clear labelling and simple commands. Seek software that enables dashboard customisation so that often used functions are accessible with a single click. Furthermore, a mobile-friendly interface is essential for managing applications while on the go in the fast-paced world of today. Your applicant tracking system (ATS) becomes a smooth extension of your hiring process with these capabilities.

    2. Integration Capabilities

    Think about how it will work with the tech you now have for HR. It's critical to have smooth interactions with payroll software, employee onboarding software for the USA, and your HRIS (Human Resource Information System). To get the most flexibility and scalability and to be able to integrate with a wide range of third-party applications, look for the finest ATS that provides API access. Pre-built connectors with widely used tools reduce setup time, while security and user management are made easier with features like Single Sign-On (SSO). The productivity and precision of your recruitment process are improved by integration capabilities, which guarantee seamless data flow between platforms.

    3. Automated Job Posting

    Employing an applicant tracking system (ATS) to automate the tiresome process of posting jobs might be a huge help. Put an end to spending time on numerous platforms by manually entering information! You can post job vacancies to a variety of relevant channels in the USA with just one click, including well-known job boards, social media sites, and even specialised sector websites. With this multi-channel distribution, you can be confident that you will find the ideal people wherever they are looking. Additionally, preserving and generating unique job posting templates keeps your branding consistent throughout all of your listings and expedites the process even more. By utilising these automatic tools, you can contact a larger pool of suitable individuals while saving a significant amount of time and work.

    4. Resume Parsing

    Using Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to manage the flood of resumes for a job opening can be revolutionary. The days of laborious data entering are over thanks to resume parsing technology! Important information from resumes, including contact data, work history, and education, is automatically extracted by ATS. This equates to you having to do less manual labour, a quicker review process, and fewer mistakes that could cause your employment process to stop.

    However, precision is essential. Seek an applicant tracking system (ATS) that can manage intricate resume forms to avoid losing out on exceptional candidates whose resumes don't follow a conventional pattern. Keep in mind that personalisation is essential!  The best applicant tracking systems let you create custom fields to collect the information that best suits your particular hiring requirements. And when you're filling more than one post at a time? Not a problem! When you deal with a high volume of candidates, bulk upload options allow your ATS to process a huge batch of resumes at once, saving you a great deal of time and work.


    5. Candidate Screening and Filtering

    To assist you in swiftly identifying the ideal applicants, Application Tracking Systems (ATS) include robust candidate screening and filtering tools. Imagine being able to quickly sort through a sizable candidate pool according to particular requirements like education, experience, and talents. This guarantees that you concentrate your precious time on the most promising leads. Even more, some applicant tracking systems score prospects automatically according to your specified standards. This saves you even more time and workforce management software by giving priority to the most qualified applicants. Additionally, you can use "knockout questions" to automatically reject applicants who don't match your minimal standards. With these characteristics, your applicant tracking system acts as a productive gatekeeper, letting you deal with just the most qualified prospects.

    6. Collaboration Tools

    Hiring isn't a solo endeavour! Collaboration between hiring managers, team leads, and HR is frequently necessary for successful hiring. Applicant tracking systems (ATS) with integrated collaborative capabilities help make this process more efficient. Imagine having tools like shared notes and candidate profile comments that bring everyone up to speed. Better communication and well-informed decision-making are encouraged by this.

    Additionally, the back-and-forth involved in arranging interview times amongst many stakeholders can be avoided with integrated scheduling tools. Last but not least, role-based access control guarantees that each user in the ATS has the proper amount of visibility and authority. This maintains order and security. Your applicant tracking system (ATS) becomes the focal point of a simplified and effective hiring process with these collaborative features.

    7. Interview Management

    With the help of applicant tracking systems (ATS), interview management may be simplified and made more enjoyable for interviewers as well as candidates. Scheduling hassles are eliminated with calendar integration with well-known programmes like Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook. Additionally, you may record and perform video interviews right within the platform with some ATS software. This allows you to interview people regardless of location, which saves time and broadens your talent pool. Lastly, functions such as tools for gathering comments enable interviewers to offer structured feedback right away following interviews. By providing you with insightful information when the facts are still new, this expedites the decision-making process.

    8. Reporting and Analytics

    Making educated selections is essential in today's data-driven employment environment. ATSs, or applicant tracking systems, offer robust analytics and reporting tools that let you see inside your whole hiring process. Consider how the power of data may be used to measure efficiency, find bottlenecks, and continuously improve your recruitment approach! Seek an ATS that enables you to create personalised reports that are catered to your unique requirements. Tracking advancement and spotting patterns also depend heavily on visual dashboards that provide important metrics quickly. Make sure the ATS can export data in many forms so you may share important information with stakeholders or use it for additional analysis in your preferred spreadsheet programme. This data-driven method turns your applicant tracking system (ATS) into a tactical tool for streamlining and enhancing your hiring processes.

    9. Compliance Management

    Maintaining impeccable recruitment procedures is crucial. With its compliance management tools, ATS software can guide you through the constantly shifting legal landscape in the United States. Sensitive candidate information is safeguarded by data encryption, and user activities inside the applicant tracking system (ATS) are monitored via audit trails, which support compliance and assist spot possible problems. Consent management technologies also make it easier to obtain candidate consent for data processing, which helps you comply with privacy laws like GDPR and EEO. With these characteristics, your applicant tracking system (ATS) turns into a useful tool for reducing legal risks and building candidate confidence.

    10. Candidate Relationship Management (CRM)

    Applicant tracking systems (ATS) can assist you in developing a talent pool for the future in addition to helping you locate your next recruit. Here's how the Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) tools in your applicant tracking system may revolutionise the way you do business. Consider building talent pools to hold records of qualified applicants who might not be the ideal fit for current positions but might be excellent fits for upcoming opportunities. This guarantees that you will always have a pool of skilled workers available when you need them. Even follow-up emails can be automated using ATS, which keeps prospective employees interested and updated about new prospects inside your business metrics captured, which monitor things like email opens and replies, and can let you customise your communication plan for optimal effect.


    Selecting the right applicant tracking system (ATS) is vital for the efficiency and success of recruitment processes, making it an essential tool for any organisation. Key features such as user-friendly interface, automation capabilities, robust reporting, and integration with other HR management systems ensure that the ATS can handle large volumes of applicants with ease. Additionally, functionalities like candidate sourcing, customizable workflows, and data security further enhance the recruitment experience. By ensuring these features in their ATS, businesses can streamline their hiring processes, improve candidate quality, and ultimately, achieve their recruitment goals more effectively. As a SaaS adviser platform in the USA, it's important to guide organisations towards ATS solutions that offer these crucial features to enhance their talent acquisition efforts.

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