LEAPWORK Automation Platform

By LEAPWORK Automation Platform

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date 0 Days

About Company

Test Automation Tool It is a powerful test automation tool with advanced capabilities and easy-to-use interface. It has a default library with predefined building blocks using which you can easily design automation cases by simple draw and click options. It allows you to create customizable run schedules and you can execute it on both local and remote environments. In addition, it monitors the performance of the test and notifies you if error occured in between. It has live dashboards and reports that helps you to make right decisions. By using advanced logic it allows you to build intricate flows which emulates user interaction.

Pricing of LEAPWORK Automation Platform

LEAPWORK Automation Platform



  • Seamless cross-technology automation
  • Hyper Visual debugging for maintenance
  • Efficient scheduling
  • Advanced calendar assistant
  • Teams Management
  • Workflow and assignee management
  • Governance and compliance
  • Advanced analytics and reporting
  • Seamless integration into CI/CD pipeline
  • Seamless cross-technology automation
  • Hyper Visual debugging for maintenance
  • Efficient scheduling
  • Advanced calendar assistant
  • Teams Management
  • Workflow and assignee management
  • Governance and compliance
  • Advanced analytics and r

Key Features of LEAPWORK Automation Platform

  • Geo Location Testing
  • Live Web Testing
  • Bug Tracking
  • Continuous Integration
  • Seamless Integration
  • Test Recorder
  • Cross Device Testing
  • Reporting and Analysis
  • Parallel Testing
  • Scheduling
  • Cross Browser Support
  • Debugging
  • Access Control
  • Parameterized Testing


Other Categories:

Automated Testing Software


Cloud Hosted

Customer Support:

Business Hours,Online (Ticket)



Languages Support:


Who uses LEAPWORK Automation Platform


Company Details

  • Company Name: LEAPWORK Automation Platform
  • Headquarter: Denmark,
  • Website: Visit Website
  • Social Media:


LEAPWORK Automation Platform Video

LEAPWORK Automation Platform Screenshots


LEAPWORK Automation Platform has 1 plans,

  • LEAPWORK Automation Platform USD 0

LEAPWORK Automation Platform is the Automated Testing Software Used for the below functionalities

Top 5 LEAPWORK Automation Platform features

  • Geo Location Testing
  • Live Web Testing
  • Bug Tracking
  • Continuous Integration
  • Seamless Integration

LEAPWORK Automation Platform provides Business Hours,Online (Ticket) support.

LEAPWORK Automation Platform is not allowing Free Trial.