About Company

Ringostat is a dedicated call tracking application that helps businesses of varying sizes optimize their sales strategies. Not only does it help with taking calls, but the application also supports finding new leads. With the software, companies are able to increase lead conversion and their revenue from a single platform. When customers call a business’ hotline, they expect to speak with a representative. And while sales representatives are on the phone with customers, Ringostat stores data from the call into the system.

Pricing of Ringostat

Virtual PBX 2.0

USD 39


  • 5 workplaces included
  • Flexible settings of inbound and outbound communication
  • Backup servers and directions in case if a provider has a breakage
  • Email notifications and SMS about missed calls
  • All Ringostat integrations
  • 5 workplaces included
  • Flexible settings of inbound and outbound communication
  • Backup servers and directions in case if a provider has a breakage
  • Email notifications and SMS about missed calls
  • All Ringostat integrations

Call tracking

USD 59


  • 5 places for substituted numbers included (phone numbers are not included in the cost)
  • Static
  • dynamic
  • and combined substitution
  • Automatic calculation of the needed amount of numbers for substitution
  • Reports by 30+ parameters
  • All Ringostat integrations
  • 5 places for substituted numbers included (phone numbers are not included in the cost)
  • Static
  • dynamic
  • and combined substitution
  • Automatic calculation of the needed amount of numbers for substitution
  • Reports by 30+ parameters
  • All Ringostat integ


USD 39


  • 15 options of the callback design included
  • Customization of the widget shape and placement
  • A detailed report on calls via the callback
  • Automatic processing of any online forms on the website
  • All Ringostat integrations
  • 15 options of the callback design included
  • Customization of the widget shape and placement
  • A detailed report on calls via the callback
  • Automatic processing of any online forms on the website
  • All Ringostat integrations

End-to-end analytics

USD 39



  • Up to 500 sessions per day included
  • Flexible settings of attribution models
  • The opportunity of manual import of costs from external systems
  • Time decay customization
  • All Ringostat integrations
  • Up to 500 sessions per day included
  • Flexible settings of attribution models
  • The opportunity of manual import of costs from external systems
  • Time decay customization
  • All Ringostat integrations

Ringostat Smart Phone

USD 39


  • 3 workplaces included
  • Working with calls in the browser (Ringostat virtual PBX is required)
  • Ringostat Insider included (Ringostat call tracking and virtual PBX are required)
  • Ringostat Messenger included
  • All Ringostat integrations
  • 3 workplaces included
  • Working with calls in the browser (Ringostat virtual PBX is required)
  • Ringostat Insider included (Ringostat call tracking and virtual PBX are required)
  • Ringostat Messenger included
  • All Ringostat integrations

Key Features of Ringostat


Other Categories:

Inbound Call Tracking Software


Cloud Hosted

Customer Support:

Business Hours,Online (Ticket)



Languages Support:


Who uses Ringostat


Company Details

  • Company Name: Ringostat
  • Headquarter: ,
  • Website: Visit Website
  • Social Media:


Ringostat Video



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Call Sumo

By Call Sumo


By CallPanther

Ringostat Screenshots

User Reviews Review Write a Review

"Platform that helps to optimize advertising campaigns"

What do you like best?

We were searching for a tool that would allow optimizing ad campaigns. After comparing different tools and companies, we decided to choose Ringostat. This company offers unique opportunities for a business. For campaign optimization, we use call tracking and end-to-end analytics. We used call tracking to define sources of calls and keywords of companies; as a result, we mentioned that some campaigns bring junk leads.That's how we stopped these campaigns and launched more appropriate ones. End-to-end analytics helped us to see the cost recovery of investments in ads. Furthermore, we used a callback to increase the conversion in the call. And Ringostat's callback fully covered our needs.

What do you dislike?

Probably the interface may seem not the most intuitive one but tech support and knowledge base cover this fact. So we never felt confused or lost in the Ringostat account.

Recommendations to others considering the product:

We advise to use this platform for people who want to optimize their budgets and ad campaigns. End-to-end analytics is a tool that will impress you with the quality and data accuracy.

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

1. Ad campaigns optimization.

2. Understanding of the cost recovery of investments in ads.

3. Callback that increased the conversion in the call.

- Olena H
Reviewed at 23/06/2020
Source: g2crowd.com
"Best platform for tracking calls"

What do you like best?

Our company receives requests made by phones every day. So we needed to control sales reps and the number of missed calls. But our main goal was to track sources of calls to optimize ad budgets. Call tracking and virtual PBX fully covered our needs. Ringostat's virtual PBX allowed us to listen to the recordings of conversations. That's how we reduced the number of junk calls. We also used Ringostat's default reports to discover the effectiveness of ads.

What do you dislike?

We did not face issues with the work of the service. Nothing to complain about. But there are lots of different options offered by Ringostat so we weren't sure what to do with the various opportunities at the early beginning.

Recommendations to others considering the product:

I absolutely recommend Ringostat for people who want to get the maximum from analytics and calls. Make sure you have checked it out.

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

Ringostat helps us not to waste advertising budget and optimize campaigns. We also use the platform to control the work of our sales reps and reduce the number of unprocessed requests.

- Vova C
Reviewed at 25/05/2020
Source: g2crowd.com
"Platform that fully covered our needs"

What do you like best?

"Initially, we appealed to Ringostat as we needed Virtual PBX. We were especially interested in the voice menu as our customers we struggling with the complex structure of the company. Then we had a product demonstration and discovered Ringostat Smart Phone. We understood that it's what we were looking for — a tool that will facilitate the work with customers for our sales reps. Well, as Smart Phone requires call tracking to work, we connected it as well.

I guess the most important thing for us was the credibility of the service."

What do you dislike?

We are satisfied with the platform, but it would be awesome if there would be a tutoring video next to each section in Ringostat account.

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

"1. We made the easier the connection between different company's departments due to the voice menu.

2. We started to track calls and analyze the advertising source that brought each customer.

3. We used Ringostat Smart Phone to discover insights about our customers. "

- Andrew C
Reviewed at 14/04/2020
Source: g2crowd.com
"The sky is the limit for the profit with Ringostat Insider"

What do you like best?

Like any company, we strive to increase our sales. We have used Ringostat call tracking for a long time and it helps us to improve our results. Ringostat is always in development. And now I use their new extension in Chrome with Ringostat Insider. With Ringostat Insider, we receive information about our client before the call. At the time of the call, the manager sees the report:

- which product does the customer choose on the site

- what kind of advertising it came from

- keywords and much more.

Ringostat has integration with different CRM. Due to this, we save data automatically in one system. We can make reports on calls for more than 30 parameters. Detailed reports help to evaluate not only the clients' requests but also the work of our managers.

What do you dislike?

Excellent functionality, but I would like to have interactive tips in my account

Recommendations to others considering the product:

I absolutely recommend using Ringostat.

To make sure check it out.

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

Until now, we solve many problems with Ringostat. Without call tracking, we spend the marketing budget incorrectly. It depends on many reasons.

We control and improve the work of the sales department.

Call records help us train new employees.

And most importantly, with Ringostat Insider, we can anticipate the needs of potential customers.

- Jacob M
Reviewed at 28/10/2019
Source: g2crowd.com
"Wide choice of features"

What do you like best?

We use Ringostat to optimize our advertising budget. About 60% of requests that we receive are calls. We liked Ringostat as it has a flexible system that can be applied to many of our business needs. The main goal was to understand the revenue from launched ad campaigns so we tried Ringostat end-to-end analytics and it turned out that we've been losing many calls! Ringostat can automatically count ROI it has data and reports which makes our work routine much easier. We intergarated call-tracking with our CRM system is also useful opportunity, that made our workflow more autometed and less less labor-intensive.

What do you dislike?

I'd say that I want more integrations with data aggregators, more features to annalize ROI. I see updates regularly, so I think this is coming.

Recommendations to others considering the product:

I would recommend Ringostat to everyone who has many sales via phone calls. You'll get useful insignt with end-to-end analytics and it automatically calculate ROI and provides reports.

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

With Ringosat we:

- Optimized our advertising budget;

- Figured out the number of requests made by calls that we receive daily;

- Saved our sales reps time due to the automatization of the workflow;

- Started work with CRM solutions;

- Received clear data on revenue from each advertising channel.

- Stepan I
Reviewed at 27/09/2019
Source: g2crowd.com


Ringostat has 5 plans,

  • Virtual PBX 2.0 USD 39
  • Call tracking USD 59
  • Callback USD 39
  • End-to-end analytics USD 39 /Month
  • Ringostat Smart Phone USD 39

Ringostat provides Business Hours,Online (Ticket) support.

Ringostat is not allowing Free Trial.