

By Checkmate

doller Onetime(Perpetual License)
date Not Available

Checkmate is a reference checking and background screening tool that helps organizations by improving and making the overall recruitment procedure easy. The software automates the manual processes and saves a lot of time for the company recruiters. It can be combined with the brand seamlessly to make a good first impression of company’s brand value. Checkmate can be integrated with organizations’ existing Applicant Tracking System to make it easy and more useful. The software also has its own API for better business. The reporting tools that Checkmate includes, provides accurate information to users about their individual hiring process. They can track employee renewals, expiry dates and other information using auto-renewals and scheduled reminders. It allows organizations and candidates to exchange documents and information quickly between them. With Checkmate, users can hire employees in bulk deploying its advanced data handling feature that can hire the entire spreadsheet of candidates in one click. It also uses a safe network that keeps all the organizations’ data

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