By DataGekko
DataGekko is a software that lets users collect, process, store, manage and query data from their globally distributed devices and systems. It is a fully managed enterprise-grade metrics as a service solution. The use cases of the software include metrics-driven Internet of things, system monitoring, industrial telemetry, analytics, business intelligence, and games. Precision storage and querying of metrics take milliseconds, and the software set-up is easy. The solution also offers high availability and high data retention and stores the data in its raw form. It features real-time analytics as well, which lets users draw insights from the stream of data. In order to start using the service, users can simply sign up on their website and navigate to the dashboard to begin creating and sharing projects. They can also write a script to send data to DataGekko's endpoints, using the MQTT client of their choice. The software relies on 256-bit encryption for security and provides detailed