By Dropified
As a dropshipping software, Dropified is capable of automating dozens of regular tasks that are needed to proceed with a successful dropshipping business. This allows companies to focus on their marketing strategies and eCommerce stores. Dropified hosts a variety of tools that can be used to import, find and sell profitable goods. Moreover, companies can also utilise the platform to automate their dropshipping process, starting from order fulfilment to delivery. Inbuilt Dropified Private Label On-Demand Plan can be utilised by online entrepreneurs to start their own brand. Organisations can also add products to their online stores from external portals like AliExpress, eBay and Alibaba. Further, they can utilise the AliExtractor research tool to discover profitable products for their online stores. Other notable features offered by Dropified include product review import, profit tracking dashboard, seamless customer support from a dedicated team and 60-day exclusive training in eCommerce.