Email on Acid

Email on Acid

By Email on Acid

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date 0 Days

Email on Acid is an email pre-deployment platform that helps companies to deliver perfect emails, improve marketing ROI and maintain their brand reputation simultaneously. The platform enables companies to optimise their email’s pre-deployment checklists. Thus enabling the brand to deliver error-free emails with just a click of a button. From accessibility checks that assure ADA compliance to validating and replacing first names of animated GIFs, the platform offers a variety of click-to-fix tools that fit users’ specific requirements. Also, companies utilising Email on Acid gets access to blocklist domain and spam tests that helps them improve email deliverability rates in no time. Users can check their emails against the 23 most popular spam filters and test their IP address against the most popular block list services. With email previews testing on over 90+ clients and devices, Email on Acid ensures that the generated emails will get displayed, like it has intended to in

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