

By EmailPreviewServices

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Email Preview Service is an email testing platform that enables you to preview your emails before sending them. It assists you in boosting the engagement of your recipients by giving you a preview of your email before it goes to your recipient's inbox. You can test your email design and determine what needs to be addressed with Email Preview Service. With the platform’s white-label API, you can get a superb collection of tools for your project to increase the quality of your emails and, as a result, your conversion rates. You can undertake tests by forwarding emails to a specially constructed email account, or by connecting the API to your app. You can gain insights into the finer aspects of your email campaign, beginning with the open-duration in seconds, the email client used, and the actual geo-location. Additionally, you can compare the results of multiple tests sent via several email providers to find which one offers the highest response rate and use that channel for marketing.

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