New Relic APM
By New Relic APM
New Relic is a popular application management software that was established by Lew Cirne in 2008. In the last few years, New Relic has spread across the globe and is currently an integral tool for all IT industries and business executives. This software lets users monitor apps and address critical issues before they affect end-users. It supports languages like Python, Java, PHP, and NET. New Relic offers its services in several places across the globe. So suppose a site is working in Sydney but users want to find out if it is available in Tokyo as well, they can do so in a few seconds using the simple and free ping checks which gives detailed information about the availability of the site in a particular country. Users can send calls to APIs and confirm that each output and system response is successfully returned from multiple locations across the world. On noticing any errors in the software, users can take actual screenshots of the errors and send it to the creators of New Relic.