

By QuestionScout

doller Onetime(Perpetual License)
date 0 Days

QuestionScout is a tool that allows businesses to create online forms and surveys within a short time. It allows businesses or individuals to easily collect the data by providing a complete toolkit. Users can build online surveys or forms, personalize the design, configure the integrations, and make it live immediately without writing any code. The main features of the tool include conditional logic, personal surveys, and a varied list of fields for the survey. Businesses can choose from either an interactive conversational format or a traditional format of the survey. The tool analyzes the data collected and displays parameters such as live analytics, response summary, user notifications, and much more. Organizations that have different teams can easily collaborate inside and outside the teams, manage the users, and assign user roles such as administrator, moderator or user to the employees. Users can also assign dedicated permissions to different users. The surveys or forms can also be easily integrated with third-party applications.

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