By Retailgraph
Retailgraph is a retail shop management software that provides complete sale solutions for small and medium-sized retail shop holders. With the software, retail shop holders can get complete control of all their retail stores in a single platform. The analytics provided by the software helps the retailers to gain knowledge about their current business, based on which they can make smart business decisions and gain more profits. The analytics are available online and also in hybrid mode. The software understands that all the retail stores are not the same. The shopkeepers can customize the software as per their business needs, as it comes with a flexible and scalable user interface. Retailgraph comes with GST invoicing, Inventory, Accounting and Customer Loyalty Management features for its users. The software also works as a warehouse management system and businesses can get more streamlined control over their inventories. Retailers can reorder products, return the expired ones and replace the damaged ones with Retailgraph.