By Salesfire
Salesfire is a pop-up generation platform that facilitates creation of authentic, personalized pop-ups to get more out of your website visitors. It enables you to use intelligently prompted messages to convert window shoppers into loyal customers. With Salesfire, you get overlay triggers that help you push consumers to do a certain action. You can contact a consumer with a timed reward depending on their on-site behavior or either speed visitors through the purchase experience or simply direct them to other parts of a website. The platform identifies significant characteristics in users who make critical choices in their purchasing journey and triggers overlays to inform, educate, and motivate them. You can obtain crucial information from your consumers in order to communicate with them in the future and send real-time announcements to internet consumers. You can minimize basket abandonment, lower bounce rates, and boost overall conversion rates by re-injecting departing consumers back into the shopping funnel. Additionally, you can utilize one-of-