By Spendesk
Spendesk is a management solution that allows finance teams to manage spend approvals, company cards, invoice management, expense reimbursements, and automated accounting. It is designed to evolve with the organization, providing a scalable solution with features such as single-use, capped virtual cards for a one-off purchase, which prevent internal and external fraud risk. Organizations can reduce risk over pre-payment approvals and unique virtual cards by centralizing control over employee spending. Users can also set limits by defining teams and individual thresholds. Approvals can be streamlined by decentralizing authority and defining approval workflows, which give total visibility on spending. Spendesk provides a report that shows a company's purchase history with a full audit trail of requests, reviews, approvals, and exports. Consolidated data for all team transactions is available in real-time with all vital payment information. This enables users to regulate cash flow and anticipate upcoming supplier payments.