Tangent Works
By Tangent Works
The Tangent Information Modeller (TIM) is an automatic predictive model building engine which automates forecasting and anomaly detection processes by analyzing time series data and generating accurate models based on the patterns it detects. Building and refining accurate predictive models is a laborious, iterative task that requires a combination of domain and data science expertise and weeks/months of effort. There just aren’t enough data scientists in the world to meet the demands of a broad range of industries for which accurate and timely forecasts are essential to their competitiveness. The Tangent Information Modeller (TIM) builds high quality, explainable models on continuously evolving data under any circumstances. Thanks to TIM’s thorough automation of the model building process, no data scientists are required to get great results. Rebuilding and retraining models becomes easy and users can even leave model storage completely out of the picture with TIM’s RTInstantML technology. All of these features are brought together