By Uploadcare
Uploadcare is a file uploading, storage, processing, and CDN distribution service ideal for media-heavy digital services with clients from all over the world, such as SaaS firms, eCommerce and eLearning platforms, new media, and others. You can upload files from a variety of sources and devices, including PCs, mobile devices, and cloud solutions like Dropbox, Google Drive, and Flickr, as well as URLs and social media. Files should be saved on the cloud, and you can enable the "autostore" function to ensure that all uploaded files are automatically saved. Files that are not saved after uploading are destroyed after one day. Files are stored on Uploadcare's CDN (content delivery network), which features a URL-based API that allows you to re-size, crop, rotate photos, grayscale, flip, sharpen, and much more; select the file quality; alter the file type; and much more. When you are satisfied with your