doller Onetime(Perpetual License)
date Not Available

Ouriginal is an advanced plagiarism detection and prevention tool that makes text matching, ghostwriter detection, and plagiarism protection simple. It is straightforward, dependable, and simple to use and works in any language. Ouriginal can be readily connected with a variety of learning management systems, including Google Classroom, Moodle, Microsoft, Blackboard, Canvas, and D2L/Brightspace, as well as a variety of regional solutions and eLearning tools. It swiftly generates reliable analysis reports along with credible and easy-to-understand information about textual matches. The platform facilitates complete data security and privacy and your papers are never given outside access without your consent. You always have complete control over your data with Ouriginal. Additionally, the platform follows the GDPR and CCPA guidelines, which govern an organization's personal data protection policies to maintain complete secrecy.

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