Zeo Route Planner
By Zeo Route Planner
Zeo Route Planner is a smartphone application that allows delivery drivers to plan and optimize routes on iOS and Android devices. It also includes a web-based login that may be used by a single driver or an entire fleet of vehicles. Small enterprises, logistics managers, drivers, and courier companies all benefit from Zeo Route Planner, a route planning system. Zeo is a cutting-edge route optimization system. Without coding, you may add and assign stops to drivers directly. Setup takes less than 15 minutes. Individual drivers, courier organizations, and small enterprises can use Zeo Route Planner to find the shortest route between stops, allowing them to get through their day more quickly and be home early. There is no limit on the number of routes you may build, so you can change, remove, reroute, or manage them however you want. To make your deliveries easier, add the priority, time slot, kind of order, and client information for