
doller Onetime(Perpetual License)
date Not Available is an automatic testing tool that enables its users to test a browser more efficiently and reliably. The software works on any front end framework or website and focuses on doing end-to-end testing. Users can debug directly from familiar tools such as Chrome DevTools as readable errors, and stack traces of the software makes debugging very fast. takes snapshots as the tests run, enabling the user to simply hover over commands in the command log to track and analyze what happened at each step. The software automatically reloads whenever changes are made to the test. Moreover, one can watch how the commands are executed in real-time through this app. It eliminates the user’s need to add wait times or sleeps to the tests as the software automatically waits for commands and assertions before moving on. Users can verify and control the behavior of functions, server responses, or timers. The architecture of the software does not use Selenium or WebDriver and provides its users Reviews