
By Figma

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Figma is a browser-based tool that allows users to edit vector graphics, collaborate, and create prototypes. It helps teams to create, test, and ship better end-to-end designs. In addition to the basic features, it also has unique inventions like the Arc Tool and Vector Networks. The Arc Tool makes it easy to design clocks, watch screens or pie charts, while the Vector Networks is a modern pen tool that enables designers to draw in any direction without merging or connecting to the path’s original point. OpenType is an advanced font feature that allows brands to express themselves fully. The Auto Layout feature designs the layout responsively. It requires minimum manual resizing, can automatically stretch the components in different directions, and also can translate the design directly into the code; making developer onboarding hassle-free. The tool also enables teams to automate and augment their work by building plugins which speeds up the design process. Figma stores all these

Figma Reviews