About Company

Cypress.io is an automatic testing tool that enables its users to test a browser more efficiently and reliably. The software works on any front end framework or website and focuses on doing end-to-end testing. Users can debug directly from familiar tools such as Chrome DevTools as readable errors, and stack traces of the software makes debugging very fast. Cypress.io takes snapshots as the tests run, enabling the user to simply hover over commands in the command log to track and analyze what happened at each step. The software automatically reloads whenever changes are made to the test. Moreover, one can watch how the commands are executed in real-time through this app. It eliminates the user’s need to add wait times or sleeps to the tests as the software automatically waits for commands and assertions before moving on. Users can verify and control the behavior of functions, server responses, or timers. The architecture of the software does not use Selenium or WebDriver and provides its users

Pricing of Cypress.io




  • Users : 3
  • Test recordings : 500
  • Parallelization
  • Load Balancing
  • View run failures
  • Analytics
  • Community Support
  • Slack
  • GitHub
  • GitLab
  • Bitbucket
  • Users : 3
  • Test recordings : 500
  • Parallelization
  • Load Balancing
  • View run failures
  • Analytics
  • Community Support


USD 75



  • Users : 10
  • Test Results : 10
  • 000 included
  • Includes features of Free plan
  • plus
  • Flake Detection
  • JIRA Integration
  • Email Support
  • Users : 10
  • Test Results : 10
  • 000 included
  • Includes features of Free plan
  • plus
  • Flake Detection
  • JIRA Integration
  • Email Support


USD 300



  • Users : 40
  • Test Results : 10
  • 000 included
  • Includes features of Team plan
  • plus
  • Smart Orchestration
  • Flake Management (coming soon)
  • Github Enterprise (coming soon)
  • Gitlab for Enterprise (coming soon)
  • SSO
  • Email Support
  • Users : 40
  • Test Results : 10
  • 000 included
  • Includes features of Team plan
  • plus
  • Smart Orchestration
  • Flake Management (coming soon)
  • Github Enterprise (coming soon)
  • Gitlab for Enterprise (coming soon)
  • SSO
  • Email Support




  • Users : Unlimited
  • Test Results : Variable
  • Includes features of Business plan
  • plus
  • As many test results as you need
  • Premium support
  • Users : Unlimited
  • Test Results : Variable
  • Includes features of Business plan
  • plus
  • As many test results as you need
  • Premium support

Key Features of Cypress.io

  • Geo Location Testing
  • Live Web Testing
  • Bug Tracking
  • Continuous Integration
  • Seamless Integration
  • Test Recorder
  • Cross Device Testing
  • Reporting and Analysis
  • Parallel Testing
  • Scheduling
  • Cross Browser Support
  • Debugging
  • Access Control
  • Parameterized Testing


Other Categories:

Automated Testing Software


Cloud Hosted

Customer Support:

Business Hours,Online (Ticket)



Languages Support:


Who uses Cypress.io


Company Details

  • Company Name: Cypress.io
  • Headquarter: Atlanta, Georgia United States
  • Website: Visit Website
  • Social Media:


Cypress.io Video

Cypress.io Screenshots

User Reviews Review Write a Review

"Cypress made my job easier and allowed me to deliver more stable and quality code."

What do you like best?

Cypress is a stable automated testing tool. I previously used Selenium-based testing frameworks, but I quickly fed up with them because of their flakiness. Running them in CI/CD pipelines were a nightmare. Then came cypress, with their prebuilt docker images which can be used, and I was able to set up testing in CI/CD in a breeze.

What do you dislike?

The only downside is the mentality of my customers, who feel like Selenium-based solutions have worked for them before and they don't want to change.

Recommendations to others considering the product:

Read the documentation, and their blog. They have excellent advice on flaky tests, and other important things as well.

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

On a day-to-day basis, I use cypress to test the applications I build on a functional and integration level. Cypress is fast, and it is stable. I was able to quickly set it up in several CI/CD pipelines and it records videos which I can use for debugging something more easily later.

I once used it to migrate several years of budget tracking data from a csv into an iOS application using the application's webapp. :)

- Balázs T
Reviewed at 23/11/2020
Source: g2crowd.com
"Great toll - finally writing e2e test is fun!"

What do you like best?

its really fast! So its fun to use / write tests

What do you dislike?

not many public tutorials .... but stuff on plural sight

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

e2e tests for angular frontends

- Peter D
Reviewed at 02/11/2020
Source: g2crowd.com
"Game-changer for shipping with confidence"

What do you like best?

I no longer feel comfortable shipping apps that aren't tested with Cypress. Even for happy-path spot checks, it has elevated my confidence in shipping new features through the stratosphere.

What do you dislike?

Browser compatibility has room for improvement, but this has been steadily improving over time.

Recommendations to others considering the product:

Before doing anything, check out Cypress Testing Library!

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

Any time I'm building complex new features, I am always sure to (quickly) build Cypress tests for them. If a back-end isn't ready to go, that's no problem - I can mock it with Cypress. Not only is testing with Cypress fast, it has accelerated my development velocity.

- Wes C
Reviewed at 30/09/2020
Source: g2crowd.com
"A well-designed optimal job."

What do you like best?

One of the functional operations of this software that attracts me the most in wide proportions of taste, are its informative analyzes of the function of certain applications that are launched on the web, they are very intuitive and well written, and they allow to attend to these annoying situations presented in a very fast way, which is useful, since I like it because of its automatic flexibility once it is coupled to a platform, to manipulate its tools, mentioning that it is very dynamic and interesting.

What do you dislike?

One of the things that I review and mention, is that it should integrate more tools for a scope of its functionality mostly polished at the time of work, especially teams dedicated to development, one of these implementations that you need, would be a more prominent and multiple notification to be reached and known, from different communication methods, to address certain broad failures that arise in a much faster way.

Recommendations to others considering the product:

It is a perfect software for corporations and industries that are dedicated to the development of applications or software for alternative operating systems with specific or multi functional functions, including that it is ideal for engineering-based teams to provide well-established and quality structural work , since we can design certain templates, to cover these options of use in a complete way, without any kind of problem in its creation process, especially it is very useful to strengthen these orders, and make them more flexible and accessible, for users of these platforms.

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

We use cypress in our departments dedicated to the development of the applications that we elaborate, or to customize clients' software to adapt them to their most personal environment, which they decide to promote, for these processes we use this program, since it allows us to carry out all these orders in an easy way, mentioning that in more challenging issues with failures, we can solve them in a very simple and fast alternative, due to its analysis of the location of systematic problems, to offer quality and durability in the products that we create or configure to be accessible and usable by our clients.

- Emma C
Reviewed at 09/09/2020
Source: g2crowd.com
"A mobilization engine for web applications."

What do you like best?

It is an incredible designer of web applications, being affordable and accessible for users who commit to developing companies, a job for these web elaborations, more than anything, I like this software mainly for its tools, which allow a job difficult and challenging, extremely easy, which agrees to create varieties of these extensions on a good scale, underlining that it is surprising due to its highly technological functions.

What do you dislike?

It would be of good functionality, which will integrate into your system, the possibility of creating analytical reports of each of the advanced operations that are carried out in each job, including the details of the applications created from this software, in order to guarantee all these formalities, highlighting that it does not have any of these tools that are of constant utility, without excluding that its graphics should improve splendidly.

Recommendations to others considering the product:

If you need an integration to your platform that can mobilize the applications that are intended with an opening from any browser, including that allows you to operate in a more efficient way, to offer innovation in the technological products that you intend to create, through of this software as well, because without any lingering doubt, Cypress is the best large-scale option that you can consider for your business environment, offering incredible and outstanding tools, fully functional.

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

We use this software in most of its functionalities, since they cover and strengthen the sectors that are dedicated to this branch of work, as we use Cypress to record tests of the integrations of other systems that we use to manage a corporate fluid process and at the same time guarantee an equitable comfort, above all so that our staff can persuade later alerted failures, allowing us to share these evident results on a large scale with each of the departments, highlighting that we also use it as an internal communication method.

- Stan B
Reviewed at 03/09/2020
Source: g2crowd.com

Read More Reviews


Cypress.io has 4 plans,

  • Free USD 0
  • Team USD 75 /Month
  • Business USD 300 /Month
  • Enterprise USD 0

Cypress.io is the Automated Testing Software Used for the below functionalities

Top 5 Cypress.io features

  • Geo Location Testing
  • Live Web Testing
  • Bug Tracking
  • Continuous Integration
  • Seamless Integration

Cypress.io provides Business Hours,Online (Ticket) support.

Cypress.io is not allowing Free Trial.